Tucson, Arizona

Local Community Leaders & Influencers
- Jonathan Rothchild— Mayor
- (520) 791-4201
- Dr. Cara M. Christ – Director,
Arizona Department of Health Services
- General and Public Information: (602) 542-1025
- Marcy Flanagan – Pima
County Health Officer
- (520) 724-7764
- Suzanne Goodman— Health
Department Board Coordinator (Pima County)
- (520) 724-8239
- Tucson City Council:
- Ward 1: Regina Romero — 520-791-4040
- Ward 2: Paul Cunningham – 520-791-4687
- Ward 3: Paul Durham — 520-791-4711
- Ward 4: Shirley Scott —520-791-3199
- Ward 5: Richard Fimbres—520-791-4231
- Ward 6: Steve Kozachik—520-791-4601
- From 2011-2015, the average annual count of cancer cases in men Pima County, Arizona is 2,307.
- Age-adjusted rate: 395.3/per 100,000 (0.395%).
- Source: Nation Cancer Institute, State Cancer Profiles (https://statecancerprofiles.cancer.gov/index.html)
Prostate Cancer
- From 2011-2015, there were a reported 406 cases on average each year in Pima County, Arizona.
- This is an age-adjusted rate of 65.2/per 100,000 (0.065%)
- Source: Nation Cancer Institute, State Cancer Profiles (https://statecancerprofiles.cancer.gov/index.html)
* Testicular Cancer
- 173 cases of testicular cancer have been reported in 2016 in Arizona.
- Age-adjusted rate: 5.2/per 100,000 (0.005%).
- United States Cancer Statistics
- Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (https://gis.cdc.gov/Cancer/USCS/DataViz.html)
- Resources:
- American Cancer Society Arizona: provides cancer information and resources in Arizona. It runs a program in Tucson along with other regions of Arizona to manage cancer treatment, recovery and emotional support.
- (520)-222-8607
- American Cancer Society Arizona: provides cancer information and resources in Arizona. It runs a program in Tucson along with other regions of Arizona to manage cancer treatment, recovery and emotional support.
Heart Disease
- From 2014-2016, Pima County recorded a 174.2 heart disease death
rate/per 100,000 in men (0.174%).
- Source: Centers for Disease Control and Preventions; Heart Disease and Stroke (https://nccd.cdc.gov/DHDSPAtlas/Reports.aspx)
- From 2014-2016, Pima County recorded a 29.2 stroke death rate per
100,000 in men (0.029%).
- Source: Centers for Disease Control and Preventions; Heart Disease and Stroke (https://nccd.cdc.gov/DHDSPAtlas/Reports.aspx)
- Resources:
- TMC Health Care: runs a cardiac medical program providing a complete program of services
for cardiac patients.
- (520) 327-5461
- TMC Health Care: runs a cardiac medical program providing a complete program of services
for cardiac patients.
- In 2015, 8.3% of men aged 20+ were diagnosed with
diabetes in Pima County, Arizona.
- Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Diagnosed Diabetes (https://gis.cdc.gov/grasp/diabetes/DiabetesAtlas.html)
- Resources:
- TMC Health Care: offers a diabetes education program.
- (520) 327-5461
- TMC Health Care: offers a diabetes education program.
- Carondelet Health Network: offers diabetes care services at a number of hospitals in Tucson.
- In 2014, 8.1% of men in Arizona responded “yes” for pre-diabetes.
The same year 8.6% of respondents in Pima County responded “yes” for
- Arizona Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey
- Source: Arizona Department of Health Services (https://azdhs.gov/documents/preparedness/public-health-statistics/behavioral-risk-factor-surveillance/annual-reports/brfss-annual-report-2014.pdf)
- In 2017, 1,016 men in Arizona committed suicide. (Population: 3,488,301)
- Age-adjusted death rate: 28.18/per 100,000 (0.028%)
- Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Fatal Injury Data (https://wisqars-viz.cdc.gov:8006/)
- Resources:
- National Alliance on Mental Illness Southern Arizona
- (520) 622-6000
- National Alliance on Mental Illness Southern Arizona
- In 2017, 30.1% of men in Arizona were obese.
- Source: The State of Obesity (https://www.stateofobesity.org/states/az/)
- Source Citation: Source: Trust for America’s Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The State of Obesity 2018. Washington, D.C.: 2018.
- Resources:
- Arizona Department of Health Services: Bureau of
Nutrition and Physical Activity in the Prevention Health Services Division at
the Arizona Department of Health Services is focused on positively impacting
nutrition, physical activity and obesity.
- Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity: (602) 542-1886
- Desert Milagros: outpatient treatment center that specializes
in treatment of eating disorders.
- (520) 369-4304
- Arizona Department of Health Services: Bureau of
Nutrition and Physical Activity in the Prevention Health Services Division at
the Arizona Department of Health Services is focused on positively impacting
nutrition, physical activity and obesity.
*state statistics